OSF wins the Corporate Digital Responsibility Award in the category ‘Responsible Innovations’

The award ceremony took place on 29 January at the Bavarian State Representation in Berlin

CDR Award in den Händen von Community Managerin Ursula GmelchFor the third time, Bayern Innovativ GmbH and the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. organised the Corporate Digital Responsibility Award on 29 January as an important industry prize for ethical projects within the digital sector.

A total of 26 nominees in 5 categories were hoping for a top ranking. The Open Search Foundation was one of the organisations to celebrate in the evening: the NGO won the first price in the category ‘Responsible Innovations’.

In her laudatory speech, jury member Maike Scholz – Squad Lead ‘Digital Ethics’, Group Compliance Management at Deutsche Telekom AG – said:

Portrait Maike Scholz

‘Instead of concentrating control over structured, indexed web data, which serves as the basis for search engines and other digital services, on individual companies, the index will be managed and made publicly accessible by a network of independent, European partners such as research centres, data centres + companies. This project sends a powerful signal for European digital self-determination and the democratised use of the web.’

The OSF team is delighted with this special honour and is taking the award as an opportunity to continue setting the course for responsible web search. The OSF ethics group is currently preparing the final event for the #ethicsinsearch project, conducting a survey ahead of this. All interested parties are cordially invited to take part.
The entire team of the overarching European initiative is currently working on making the Open Web Index (OWI) available to interested innovators for testing purposes towards the end of the first quarter of 2025.

Das OSF-Team in Standberg mit dem CDR Award in den Händen

‘Back home’, the Starnberg team is delighted with the award (in this picture from left to right: Stefan Voigt, Christine Plote, Leopold Beer, Ursula Gmelch, Carolin Bauer)

Stefan Voigt, member of the osf Executive Board, had some closing words:

‘Our thanks go to all association members and employees, partners, supporters and friends who give us a boost. Thanks also to the organisers of the CDR Award 2024 and the jury of experts, who gave our project the weight it deserved.’

Impressions of the award ceremony

Copyright: Bayern Innovativ–Bayerische Gesellschaft für Innovation und Wissenstransfer mbH