4th International
4th International
Bringing together the Open Internet Search community in Europe, involving science, computing centres, libraries, politics, legal and ethics experts and society, the Open Search Symposium series provides a forum to discuss and advance the ideas and concepts of Open Internet search in Europe.
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Conference Programme
Discuss interdisciplinary aspects of Open Search
technical • ethical • legal • educational • economic • awareness • applications
Tomáš Mikolov
Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics
Kai Erenli
University of Applied Science BFI, Vienna
Research Tracks
- Machine Learning, Web Mining, Content Retrieval and Web Analysis
- Innovative Search Applications, Open Search Use Cases and Challenges
- Future open search paradigms and concepts
- Search Quality and Search Ethics
Industry Session:
Alternative Search Engines
Raphaël Auphan
Chief Executive Officer
Qwant, Paris
Isabell Claus
Founder & Managing Director
thinkers GmbH, Vienna
Ivan Hallberg Ryman
Interactive Session:
Education + Literacy
Melanie Platz
Saarland University
Panel Discussion:
Ethics in Search
Rosie Graham
Co-Director of the Centre for Digital Cultures,
University of Birmingham
Renée Ridgway
University of Aarhus
Overview timetable
Day 1 | 10 Oct. 22
13:00 | Conference Opening
Bob Jones
Stefan Voigt, Michael Granitzer
Open Search Foundation
Andreas Wagner
13.30 | Lightning Talk
“Piloting Open Websearch: OpenWebSearch.eu”
Michael Granitzer
University Passau, Open Search Foundation
14.00 | Keynote
“A personal view on search and open search”
Tomáš Mikolov
Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics
15.00 | Coffee Break
15:30 | Research Track
“Machine Learning, Web Mining, Content Retrieval and Web Analysis”
Session Chair: Tobias Hecking (DLR)
“Towards an Open Data based Privacy-Aware Reproducible Machine Learning Pipeline”
Christian Guetl, Igor Jakovljevic (Graz University of Technology) | Konstantinos Samaras-Tsakiris, Andreas Wagner (CERN)
“WARC-DL: Scalable Web Archive Processing for Deep Learning”
Niklas Deckers, Martin Potthast (Leipzig University)
“Classyfing Adult Content Using Naive Bayes”
Olaf Behrendt
“Strategy Comparison for Semantic Zero-Shot Taxonomy Filters”
Andreas Hamm (German Aerospace Center, DLR)
“The Impact of Online Affiliate Marketing on Web Search”
Janek Bevendorff, Matti Wiegmann, Martin Potthast, Benno Stein (Webis Group)
17:15 | Ice Breaker
20:00 | Self hosted dinner option
Day 2 | 11 Oct. 22
9:00 | Industry Session
“Alternative Search Engines”
Session Chair: Christine Plote (Open Search Foundation)
“A quality and privacy-friendly search engine, it’s possible!”
Raphaël Auphan
CEO Qwant, Paris
“Alexandria.org – a search engine with billions of pages for less than EUR 500 per month”
Ivan Hallberg Ryman
“thinkers.ai – from ‘search engine’ to ‘find engine'”
Isabell Claus
Founder & Managing Director thinkers GmbH, Vienna
10:15 | Coffee Break
10:45 | Research Track
“Innovative Search Applications, Open Search Use Cases and Challenges”
Session Chair: Christian Guetl (TU Graz)
“Open Search for Science – Science for Open Search”
Stefan Voigt (German Aerospace Center, DLR / Open Search Foundation) | Tobias Hecking, Dennis Jankowski, Maximilian Schwinger (German Aerospace Center, DLR)
“Searching and Structuring the Twitter Stream for Crisis Response: A Flexible Concept to Support Research and Practice”
Jan Bongard, Jens Kersten, Friederike Klan (German Aerospace Center, DLR)
“Searching for Educational Resources in a Study Assistant: An Open Search Use Case”
Leon Martin, Felix Engl, Tobias Hirmer, Michaela Ochs, Andreas Henrich (University of Bamberg)
“Open Search Console and beyond”
Marc Overmeer (MarkOv Solutions)
12:15 | Lunch-Break
13:45 | Keynote
The DSA-Package – Europe’s new rules of the game for platforms (and indexes)!?“
Kai Erenli
University of Applied Science BFI, Vienna
14.45 | Interactive Session
Education + Literacy
Melanie Platz
Saarland University
15:45 | Coffee Break
16.15 | Research Track
“Future open search paradigms and concepts”
Session Chair: Maria Dimou (CERN)
Five years of Open Search Initiative – where do we stand?
Stefan Voigt, Christine Plote, Christian Geminn, Frank Hauser (Open Search Foundation)
Open Web Search for AI and NLP in Europe
Jelena Mitrovic (University of Passau)
Open Science Platforms as Data Repositories for Automated Summarization
Sarah Frank
NGI Search: The Need For Trust and Privacy in Search, Discovery and Idexing
Aurora González-Vidal, Antonio F. Skarmeta (University of Murcia) | Mirko Presser (Aarhus University) | Marie Claire Tonna (FundingBox Accelerator Sp. z o.o) | Manuel Noya (Linknovate Science S.L) | Gibello Pierre-Yves (OW2)
Connectors – Enablers for access to heterogeneous data sources
Dennis Jankowski (German Aerospace Center, DLR)
18:00 | Closing of Day 2
20:00 | Conference Dinner
Day 3 | 12 Oct. 22
9:00 | Welcome
9:15 | Research Track
“Search Quality and Search Ethics”
Session Chair: Bert Niehaus (University Landau)
“The robots.txt standard – Implementations and Usage”
Sebastian Nagel (Common Crawl)
“Opening the Pandora’s (Black) Box of AI made in Europe: Interpretability – Explainability – Comprehensibilty”
Anaëlle Martin (Université de Strasbourg) | Christophe Denis (Sorbonne University)
“Ethics in Search Engines – The Development of the Ethics Mill of Internet Search Based on a Systematic Literature Analysis”
Alexander Decker (THI Ingolstadt) | Benedikt Hoffmann | Christine Plote (Open Search Foundation)
“Designing an Integration Concept of the Provenance Verification Indicator Into Open Web Search Engines”
Alexander Nussbaumer, Sylvia Ebner (Graz University of Technology) | Christian Guetl (Graz University of Technology) | Gary Munnelly, Brendan Spillane, Owen Conlan (Trinity College Dublin) | Christine Plote (Open Search Foundation) | Anton Frank (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre)
“Developing and Promoting Search Engine Literacy in Primary Education”
Melanie Platz (Saarland University) | Friederike Klan (German Aerospace Center, DLR) | Alexander Decker (THI Ingolstadt)
11:00 | Coffee Break
11:30 | Panel Discussion “Ethics in Search”
“A fair search & more ethical – only a dream?”
Session Chair: Christine Plote (Open Search Foundation)
Rosie Graham
Co-Director of the Centre for Digital Cultures,
University of Birmingham
Renée Ridgway
Aarhus University
12:15 | Lunch-Break
13:00 | Closing
Closing of #ossym 2022
Way ahead
14:00 | Closed Session
Conference Registration
*Registration information
Please note: In order to register for #ossym22 you will need to login first with a CERN Guest Account. (On the CERN Single Sign-On page click on “External email – Guest access” and then “Register”). Alternatively you can sign-in with eduGAIN or an external social account (GitHub, Google, LinkedIn, Facebook).
After logging in, please fill in the form at CERN to register for the #ossym22. Once registered you will receive an email confirmation.
Speaker Info
Raphaël Auphan
Chief Executive Officer
Qwant, Paris, France
11 October | Industry Session: Alternative Search Engines | 9.00 am
“A quality and privacy-friendly search engine, it’s possible!”
How to develop a search engine that respects privacy while fighting against the dominant position of the sector’s players. Qwant’s answer!
Raphaël Auphan is CEO of Qwant, serial entrepreneur and passionate about high-growth ventures where technology and design-thinking meet in an international environment.
Isabell Claus
Managing Director
thinkers GmbH, Vienna, Austria
11 October | Industry Session: Alternative Search Engines | 9.00 am
“thinkers.ai – from ‘search engine’ to ‘find engine'”
thinkers.ai is the first “find engine” in the “search engine” sector. The company uses machine learning to pre-qualify web content in a super high quality for any user. No ads, no spam, just high quality results. Current users are corporates and public sector institutions with users worldwide. thinkers.ai fully automatizes their web research and therewith increases both – their efficiency as well as their global business transparency.
Dr. Isabell Claus stands for digitization and fast growth. She is CEO of thinkers.ai, Serial Tech Entrepreneur, Winner of the „Europe State Award 2022“ awarded by the Austrian Federal Chancellery, „Entrepreneur of the Year 2020” and achieved five awards as “Top 100 fastest growing companies in EMEA” (Deloitte und Financial Times Awards) for five consecutive years together with her venture teams.
Her current venture thinkers.ai specializes in artificial intelligence for the analysis of web data. Before she was member of the co-founders and management team of RadarCybersecurity, one of Europe`s largest cybersecurity tech companies. Dr. Isabell Claus` main focus is on growth strategies, internationalization, technology, digital business models, MarCom and Public Affairs. She gained professional experience in the US, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, Germany and Austria. Beside her entrepreneurial career, Dr. Isabell Claus holds lectures on AI strategies and is author of several publications on AI and cybersecurity.
Kai Erenli
University of Applied Science BFI, Vienna, Austria
11 October | Keynote | 13.45
“The DSA-Package – Europe’s new rules of the game for platforms (and indexes)!?“
The accelerating digitalisation of society and the economy has created a situation where a few large platforms control important ecosystems in the digital economy, with the power to act as private rule-makers. Despite a range of targeted, sector-specific interventions at EU-level, there are still significant gaps and legal burdens to address. This talk will give an overview of the developments regarding the DSA Package and the impact that it will have on an open online platform environment such as an open search index.
Kai Erenli studied law at the University of Graz (Austria). He wrote his doctoral thesis about the legal aspects of open source licensing and has a deep insight of IT-Law. He is a member of the board of it-law.at the Austrian network for IT-lawyers as well as of iLRN – the Immersive Learning Research Network. Kai spent much time in the multimedia-business as he was the Art Director of @vertising in Graz. Currently he is the study director of the Bachelor Program “Interactive Media & Games Business” at the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienne. Since 2013 he also serves as “General Counsel” to a Vienna based Animation Studio. Kai was awarded with the „ars docendi – Business & Law” by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy.
Rosie Graham
University of Birmingham, UK
Lecturer in Contemporary Literature and the Digital, co-director of the University of Birmingham’s Centre for Digital Cultures
12 October | Panel Discussion: #EthicsInSearch | 11.30 am
Rosie Graham is an interdisciplinary scholar whose research and teaching covers various areas of digital culture, including online platforms, interactive media, and critical theory. She is the co-director of the University of Birmingham’s Centre for Digital Cultures and the author of Investigating Google’s Search Engine: Ethics, Algorithms, and the Machines Built to Read Us, published by Bloomsbury Academic for release in December 2022.
Ivan Hallberg Ryman
University of Birmingham, UK
11 October | Industry Session: Alternative Search Engines | 9.00 am
„Alexandria.org – a search engine with billions of pages for less than EUR 500 per month“
Ivan Hallberg Ryman has founded several companies dependant on Google, such as websites with ads, a company doing AdWords bidding, and language apps for the Google Play store. Now he want’s to create a new search engine.
Tomáš Mikolov
Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics
10 October | Keynote | 14.00
“A personal view on search and open search”
Tomáš Mikolov is a Czech computer scientist working in the field of machine learning. After completing a Ph.D. on recurrent neural networks based on language models at the Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic, Tomas Mikolov continued to delve into deep learning. He was a visiting researcher at both John Hopkins University and the Université de Montréal, before joining the Google Brain team dedicated to Artificial Intelligence and later Microsoft Research and Facebook. He is currently working at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics.
Renée Ridgway
PostDoc at Aarhus University
at the SHAPE centre
12 October | Panel Discussion: #EthicsInSearch | 11.30 am
Renée Ridgway is a researcher, educator and media artist based in Aarhus, DK and Amsterdam, NL, having studied at the Rhode Island School of Design (BFA)/Brown University, Piet Zwart Institute/ Plymouth University (MA) and Copenhagen Business School in their Management, Philosophy and Politics department (PhD). During her PhD, Ridgway was also a research associate at Leuphana University’s Digital Cultures Research Lab (DCRL) (2014-2017), in 2018 and 2019 a fellow at CAIS (Centre for Advanced Internet Studies) in Bochum, DE and in 2022, a Digital Cultures fellow at KU (Katholische Universität, Eichstätt-Ingolstadt), DE. Presently she is a Postdoctoral researcher at the newly created SHAPE (Shaping Digital Citizenship) research centre at Aarhus University, DK.
Programme Committee
Prof. Dr. Wolf-Tilo Balke L3S Research Center, Braunschweig, Germany
Prof. Dr. Alexander Decker Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany
Prof. Dr. Kai Erenli University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, Austria
Prof. Dr. Arjen P. de Vries Radboud University, Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Stefan Dietze Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf and GESIS, Germany
Msc. Maria Dimou CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Dr. Christian Geminn University Kassel, Germany
Prof. Dr. Michael Granitzer University Passau, Germany
Prof. Dr. Christian Guetl Graz University of Technology, Austria
Prof. Dr. Andreas Henrich University Bamberg, Germany
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nils Jensen Ostfalia University of Applied Science, Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Prof. Dr. Mohammed Kaicer Faculty of Sciences Kenitra, Morocco
Prof. Dr. Dennis-Kenji Kipker Riga Graduate School of Law, Latvia
Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlmüller Leibniz Supercomputing Centre and LMU, Munich, Germany
Prof. Dr. Dirk Lewandowski University of Applied Science, Hamburg, Germany
Dr. Jelena Mitrovic University of Passau, Germany
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nejdl L3S Research Center / Univ. Hannover, Germany
Prof. Dr. Engelbert Niehaus University Koblenz-Landau, Landau, Germany
Dr. Alexander Nussbaumer Graz University of Technology, Austria
Dr. Philipp Mayer-Schlegel GESIS, Germany
Prof. Dr. Monica Palmirani Università di Bologna, Italy
Prof. Dr. Martin Potthast Leipzig University, Germany
Prof Tobias Schreck Graz University of Technology, Austria
Prof. Dr. Christin Seifert University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gianmaria Silvello University of Padova, Italy
Dr. Tim Smith CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Benno Stein Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Olivia Tambou Paris Dauphine University, France
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Francesca Tomasi Università di Bologna, Italy
Eng. Marco Verile European Commission – Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy
Dr. Stefan Voigt Open Search Foundation, Germany
Dr. Andreas Wagner CERN, Geneva, Switzerland