5th Symposium on Open Search – #ossym23

Keynotes by thought leaders in web search and Artificial Intelligence from the US, Europe and Africa

From 4th to 6th October 2023, the #ossym will again unite researchers, data analysts, computer scientists, tech companies, but also policy makers, legal and ethical experts, and society. The fifth International Open Search Symposium will provide a forum to discuss and advance ideas and concepts of Open Internet Search, with a focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI). This hybrid #ossym23 will once more be hosted by CERN in Geneva.

Thought leaders on ethical issues of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The #ossym23 will feature two top voices in AI ethics:
Angella Ndaka is an early career researcher at the University of Otago (New Zealand), Winner of Women in AI Awards APAC 2023 and among the top 100 women in AI Ethics List 2023. Her PhD research focused on sustainable AI technology futures. Moreover, she heads the Centre for Africa Epistemic Justice, a think tank following her „quest for Africa to find its legitimate place in the face of the current and future technological revolution.“ In her talk, she will show how AI can impact different communities, landscapes, and sectors differently, and how industry, governments, and organizations may adapt, innovate, and strategize to respect the values of the wider society.

How biases affect internet search

The second keynote will be given by Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Research Director at the Institute for Experiential AI at the Northeastern University. Before focussing on research related to web search and AI research, he worked as vice president of research at Yahoo Labs in Spain and the US. In his presentation „Bias in Search and Recommender Systems“ Baeza-Yates will cover all biases that affect search and recommender systems. This includes data, algorithms and user interaction, in particular the ones related to relevance feedback loops. After explaining the main concepts of bias he will highlight available techniques to face them, but also explore biases caused by the evaluation methods used and the cognitive biases involved.

#ossym23 offers a wide scope of Open Search topics

Research tracks of the symposium will include Machine Learning, Privacy and User Experience, Human Centric Search and Open Search Ecosystem. On occasion of the symposium, the researchers of the EU project OpenWebSearch.eu will give updates on their work. Beyond these ethical and tech topics, the #ossym23 will widen the scope to economical and legal considerations in a panel on business applications and economic value, an industry session on alternative search engines, and three workshops in parallel.

Information and Registration
The #ossym23 will be hosted – in person and online – by the CERN in Geneva from 4th to 6th October. Participation is free of charge. More information is provided on the webpage of the organizer, the Open Search Foundation. Registration is open as of now.

The Open Search Foundation e.V. is a European movement to create the foundation for independent, free and self-determined access to information on the Internet. In cooperation with research institutions, computer centres and other partners, we’re committed to searching the web in a way that benefits everyone.
Motto: „Together for a Better Net“.

Open Search Foundation e.V. – OSF
Christine Plote
Münchner Straße 15 a
82319 Starnberg

Open Search Foundation e.V. – OSF
Andrea Schmölzer
Riedener Weg 41
82319 Starnberg


Über die Open Search Foundation e.V.
Die Open Search Foundation e.V. (OSF) ist eine gemeinnützige europäische Initiative. Seit 2017 setzt sie sich für faire und transparente Alternativen zu den gängigen Suchmaschinen ein. Ihr Ziel ist ein offener Suchindex, der Ethik und europäische Werte von Anfang an mitdenkt. www.opensearchfoundation.org