“It takes plenty of little Davids!”

An exciting episode of the Agoratalk podcast series went on air earlier in February. Christine Plote, Olivier Blanchard and Daniel Höche discuss the topic of “Ethics in the digital space. Alternatives instead of regulation on the net”.

Being one of the pillars upon which the Open Search Foundation builds, digital ethics is an important topic that is becoming more and more relevant to the public discussion, not only considering web search but also general media consumption.

Christine Plote – Chairwoman of the Open Search Foundation, moderator of the osf Ethics Working Group and co-lead of the project “#EthicsInSearch” – is in favor of more transparency and real alternatives with regard to search engines and other web applications. The reason behind why the EU project OpenWebSearch.eu in particular needs many “small Davids“ to keep up with the often somewhat monopolistic tech giants is just one of the topics in this discussion. Legal, technical and social aspects become increasingly intertwined in the complex media landscape. This is precisely why it is important to keep up the dialogue and master the manifold challenges of the digital landscape – in the interest of society.