“Education+Literacy” working group: New specialist publication in the “Kita Handbuch”


How do children deal with media? When and how can an awareness of media use be conveyed? What measures can parents and educators take to introduce young people to the topic of “search literacy”?

Even for the youngest, playful learning methods are suitable for developing an awareness of media use.

The Education+Literacy working group of the Open Search Foundation is working on concepts for such early childhood media education.

The specialist article by Melanie Platz, Alexander Decker & Christine Plote has now been published in the comprehensive German “Kita-Handbuch”:


Information is a cornerstone of development. We have put together some helpful hands-on tips for children and their parents. You can take a look here:

You can find out more about the work of the “Education + Literacy” working group here: https://opensearchfoundation.org/en/working-group-educationliteracy/

Außerdem ein interessanter Lesetipp. Interview mit Melanie Platz zum Thema „Children are key multipliers when it comes to changing generational thinking“: https://opensearchfoundation.org/en/children-are-key-multipliers-when-it-comes-to-changing-generational-thinking-interview-with-melanie-platz/