“We are paying with our data, our privacy, economic independence and democratic sovereignty” – Leopold Beer from the Süddeutsche Zeitung quotes OSF board member Stefan Voigt.

The Süddeutsche Zeitung reports on the Open Search Foundation and its plan to democratize Web Search. In the context of the upcoming European elections 2024, the article draws attention to the weaknesses of current web search and shows how commercially operated digital platforms could influence voting decisions.

The article summarizes many aspects and also portrays the EU project OpenWebSearch.eu, which is funded by the European Commission under the umbrella of Horizon Europe. OpenWebSearch.eu is a collaborative research project consisting of 14 consortium partners. The aim is to create a prototype of a European web index that guarantees Europe’s digital sovereignty and serves the common good. The Open Search Foundation is one of the consortium partners and a key driver of the project.

The report appeared in the Süddeutsche Zeitung and online at sz.de:


The “Free Web Search Day” #FWSD will take place again on September 29, 2024. The Open Search Foundation launched the annual Action Day. Every year, various events and campaigns around #FWSD draw attention to the challenges and opportunities of internet search and provide knowledge and tips. Companies and private individuals can once again show their support on 29 September and actively or passively participate in the extensive range of activities: freewebsearch.org

CERN Courier features the Open Search Foundation in an article about Open Web Search. Andreas Wagner – member of the CERN IT department – was interviewed on the EU funded OpenWebSearch.eu project, which aims to establish an OpenWebIndex in a collaborative, non-profit environment.

In the interview he also mentions the #ossym conference series, which was initiated by the Open Search Foundation 6 years ago.
#ossym brings together the Open Web Search Community once a year in a hybrid conference format to discuss, promote and develop new ideas for the future of European Web Search. The next #ossym is scheduled for 9-11 October 2024 at LRZ in Munich/Germany: https://opensearchfoundation.org/en/events-osf/ossym24/

To learn more about why Open Web Search matters in a European and global context, head over to the full interview:

Three years, five data centers, six universities, six third-party partners,…: These are just a few of the parameters for the EU project OpenWebSearch.eu, which was initiated in 2022 by the Open Search Foundation and 13 European partners with the aim of creating an open, European search index.

For his book “Der Kampf um das Internet – Wie Wikipedia, Mastodon und Co. die Tech-Giganten herausfordern”, author Stefan Mey also interviewed Open Search Foundation board members Stefan Voigt and Christine Plote about the basic ideas, motivations and drive behind the Open Search Initiative.

You can now read an excerpt from the interview on Telepolis (available in German): https://www.telepolis.de/features/Wer-das-freie-Internet-gegen-Staat-und-Konzerne-verteidigt-9585983.html?seite=2

Also in the book: a portrait of the Open Search Foundation. Find the book on the publisher’s website: https://www.chbeck.de/mey-kampf-internet/product/35518159