For the research project, funded by the European Commission, the Open Search Foundation is looking for employees in the Munich area (working location Starnberg).

Within the framework of the research project, the Open Search Foundation, together with 14 renowned European universities and data centres, is developing the foundations for a European Internet search: open, transparent and distributed.

More information:

Wissenschaftliche(r) Mitarbeiter:in (Research Associate)

Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/x) Kommuni­kation/Öffentlich­keits­arbeit (Staff member Communication/Public Relations)

Officemanager:in/Assistenz Projektcontrolling (m/w/x) (Office Manager:in/Assistant Project Controlling)

Shania Ender from Human Facts introduces the Open Search Foundation and its goals and explains why we all should leave our own comfort zone in order to give smaller search engines a chance – too, “even if that means that our search no longer yields almost a billion results or takes longer than 0.8 seconds.”

Read the full article on the Human Facts website.

“In Europe, a group called the Open Search Foundation has proposed a plan to create a common internet index that can underpin many European search engines.”